Junior Football and Netball Registration

You are able to register using the links below.  Some user guides are accessible below for the football PlayHQ and Netball Connect systems.  

For Junior Football (boys and girls) please use this link: JUNIOR FOOTBALL REGISTRATION

For Auskick please use this link: AUSKICK REGISTRATION

For Saturday (GDFNL) Junior Netball please use this link: JUNIOR SATURDAY NETBALL

For Friday night (AFL Barwon) Netball please use this link: FRIDAY NETBALL

For NetSetGO! please use this link: NetSetGO!

For Football questions please contact Ben Gellie on 0409 415 928, Andrew Hill on 0403 251 122 or EGFNCjuniors@gmail.com

For Netball questions please contact Brooke O'Leary on 0400 309 043 or EGFNCnetball@gmail.com 


When does the Season Start?
Junior football starts the weekend of 21 April.
Netball commences 1 April.
Bye weekends for Football is 1-2 July
Auskick and NetSetGO! - 28 April

When does training start?
Training days/dates will be announced on Facebook and via your Team Managers.

Who is the Coach?
Football Coaches
Netball Coaches

How do I order Merchandise?
Club merchandise can be ordered on our Merchandise Page
Football shorts and socks can be ordered and paid for on Registration Day
Netball dresses can be ordered through Brooke O'Leary, EGFNCnetball@gmail.com

What days do I play?
All netball is Saturday and follows the GDFL Fixture
U18 and U16 Football - Saturday morning
U14 Football - Sunday (generally morning)
U9, U10, U12 Football - Friday night or Saturday morning
U10 Girls - Sunday morning
Boys Auskick and NetSetGO! - Friday nights
Girls Auskick - Sunday morning

How much does it cost?
No payment is required for football or netball Club membership when you register, an invoice will be emailed to you. 
Membership prices for 2023 are attached here
VNA registration is paid separately.

Auskick and NetSetGO! 
Payable direct to AFL or Netball Victoria, with reimbursement on an opt in basis

How can I help?
We are always looking for parent volunteers to assist.  This could be as a team manager, helping at training, bringing oranges, helping in the canteen or the many other jobs that need to be done on a weekly basis.  Please don't hesitate to get involved, contact Ben Gellie 0409 415 928, Andrew Hill 0403 251 122 or EGFNCjuniors@gmail.com or Brooke O'Leary (netball) 0400 309 043, EGFNCnetball@gmail.com further information.

Mark West Foundation
The Mark West Foundation provide assistance to families through a scholarship program to assist with membership and equipment fees.  The application process is managed by the families.  Further information is available using the link below.
The Mark West Foundation.

Active Kids Vouchers
The Active Kids program is a government initiative to assist with membership and equipment fees for Victorian children.  The application is made by the family, with the voucher then forwarded to the Club for claiming the membership/merchandise fees up to the value of $200.  Further information can be found using the link below.
Active Kids Vouchers


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